miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Time to change

You can change the World
Just in an instant.
You can change the world
If you really want it to happen

You can see inside, your feelings
That to the universe, will bring your dreams
Change the world, starts by you
Starts by you.

You’ll see that the colours
Are so much brighter.
You’ll see with another eyes
The magic between the parts

Up and forward
the horizons are seen
If the sun also reborn
Men will reborn.
Change the world
Starts by you

If the hope renews
starts by you

If you are convinced that it could be changed
If I want a new sky
I start first
And I raise the praise
To the humanity.
To change the world
I start by me.

To change the world
I start by me

To change the world
I start by me

To change the world
I start by me

To change the world
I start by me

To change the world
I start by me

To change the world
To change the world

I start by me

To change the world

3 comentarios:

María de las Excélciores dijo...

vamos mambrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrru jajaajjaajajajaja que temaaaa
beso rrrrrrro

laaaaar dijo...

jajaja rosariooooooouuuuuuu jajaja

Cande dijo...

ame esta cancion
necesito que me enseñes a ponerle music al blog!!
venite algun dia y me enseñas


The things I do for love.

When words became unimportant
That was when I understood
I was happy to have met you.
And somewhere in that time,
Silenty and softly, like feathers,
The snow began to fall.